
There are so many things that one is thankful for, especially with thanksgiving coming up. I know I’m thankful for my family. I know that’s an answer that’s used a lot but since the flu, Covid, and more going around, I have some of my family members that do have other illnesses to worry about. I’m just grateful that they have not been sick and that no one has passed in that time.

Secondly I’m thankful that I have such great friends, otherwise I wouldn’t be where I am today, so thank you to those who know. Lastly I’m thankful that I have lacrosse in my life, it has taught me so many great things. For example, how to work with a team, and communicate. We have all just grown so close fast leaving us to work harder with each other and punch each other to get better.


What would you wish for if you could have three wishes? Only rule is… you can’t wish for more wishes. There are so many things that one could wish for. My first wish I would ask to live on a farm with lots of animals. The reason I want to live on a farm with lots of animals is because I love and type of animal small, big, ocean animal, land animal. I absolutely love to help animals and spend quality time with them like I do with my family.

Secondly I would wish for my nana to be in better health. This is one of my main ones because I shared so many great memories with her, and she is now sick so she forgets lots of things. And I also want to a e new memories with her soon.

Lastly I would wish for an electric bike. This is only because I have to walk to school everyday and sometimes it’s gets hard to walk home too. But with an electric bike, getting to school and back would be so quick, with lots of time saved.